Program Overview

St. Anne’s School and Day Care

St. Anne’s School and Day Care is located in Gathunkenini Muranga District, 80 miles north of the Capital, Nairobi. It is a non profit group that is run by Retired Bishop & Mrs. Mahianai. Bishop Mahianai is the former Bishop for Central Province, Kenya and has been greatly involved in helping out the needy, much of which he has done using his own resources and good will from personal individuals and supporters.

This center has no steady means of support and basically runs on a day to day basis, trusting that God will take care of the needs of the center.

With all this said, here is some of the great work they do:
• Care for 90 orphans who they house, feed, and cloth and educate.
• Recruit volunteer teachers due to a lack of resources.
• Run a dispensary/ medical clinic which caters for 100 old women and also provides housing, food, and clothing for these women.
• Distribute food to bedridden women in the community on a daily basis.

No doubt a lot is obviously going on at this center and the need for additional resources is enormous and critical.

The existing needs include:
• Completion of a building for a school that will reduce overcrowding at the center and the use of existing rooms for multiple purposes.
• Financial resources to recruit and maintain a consistent base pool of teachers to minimize the reliance on volunteers who are not always consistent.
• Educational supplies that would allow for a rich and relevant education that would put these children on an equal playing field with other children across the country.
• Medical supplies for the continued running of the dispensary.
• But most critical of all, is the need for access to water, which without increases the risk of infection, proper nutrition and subsequently compounds the existing problems.

Mission Possible: Nyumbani Village

The Nyumbani Village in Kitui, a three-hour drive from Kenya’s capital, Nairobi, is a special partnership with local government and other nonprofits that is providing in excess of 21,000 litres of fresh drinking water for more than 300 AIDS orphans. The 1,000 acres of land was donated by the Kitui District County Council to help uplift the poorest division in the district, which also has the highest number of AIDS orphans and HIV/AIDS cases in the region.

When complete, the Village will accommodate between 1,280–1,600 individuals in 100 dwelling units with a grandparent or caretaker looking after 7-10 children.

The village is being built using local resources. With few exceptions, such as iron sheets for roofing and glass for windows, most of the labor and construction material, from clay bricks and timber, are bought locally and processed or manufactured on-site. In addition to technology transfer and developing skills, the local focus boosts the local economy, creates pride in tangible achievement and inspires creative self-dependence.

The concept will be extended to develop income-generating projects, such as food crop farming under irrigation, dairy farming and planting a forest to support beekeeping and handcrafted items for sale.

PBB Home Care Center: Mai Mahiu, Kenya

PBB Home Care Center is located in Mai Mahiu, Kenya. The center caters for 65 orphans who were victims of post election violence in 2007-08. The home offers children a place of love, warmth and care by providing for their nutritional, physical and emotional needs, while also giving them access to an education. The home is in constant need of food, reading materials, bedding, sanitary supplies, medicine, and funds to pay for tuition of the children.

Through parternship with IFHO, safe drinking water was made available to the center. Other generous benefactors helped install electricity and the children are truly grateful for all the love they continue to receive.

A dining hall currently under construction requires funds to complete the work. We invite you to be a partner in this wonderful journey.